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7th Meetings (Descriptive)
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7th Meetings (Descriptive)

7th Meetings (Descriptive)

 A Person You Admire


Orlando Bloom is an ideal man. He is very handsome, he is one of good actor in Hollywood, and he also a top model  from one of international brands.  He has white skin, he has tall body,  and he has different eyes colour from us, he has brown eyes, as you loot at her eyes, you may feel like look at a brown saphire. Her body is slim like Hollywood actor Johnny Deep. He has little curly hair and he also has sweet smile that makes everyone feel a sense of enchantment.
 from a lot of characters, that make i admire with him is about his action and acting in every film, he is very total when Bloom is becoming other character, such as a character of William Tuner in The Pirates of the Caribbean, a character of Jack in Troy,  Zanreman in The Three Musketers  and Liam in the Kingdom of Heaven. But from many characters that Bloom has done, I  like Bloom more becoming  a character of Legolas in The Lord of The Rings Trilogy or The Hobbit film. By his long white hair that always hang loosely, his elf ears and a magic bow and arrow.
I admire with Bloom is not only to his handsome face, but also his good action. He has extremely great action and always makes his fans or people that watch his film will not feel regret in  watching his film. I like someone seems Bloom who always feel serious when do something. He shows if he never surrenders, never gives up. And It is prrofed by his film which always gets nomination at box office cinema, and gets many trophys from Oscar.
Orlando Bloom or called by Mr.Bloom is not from rich family, music or actor family, but he is ordinary man. In fact, He can be a Hollywood actor, and it is not easy problem for him.He must be hard worker to be famous actor, and as the result ,his effort and his hardwork has created a succesful right now.

 343 Words

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